Grapplers Corner

Improve your grappling skillset on and off the mats!


Begining your Grappling journey

The hardest and most important step to any journey, is the first one. Stepping foot in a BJJ academy (or any martial art)  can be one of the toughest things to do.


Mindset tips for competition

The idea of competition can be  intimidating for several people. Rest assure that if you are uncertain of competing, YOU are not alone. 


tips to recover faster

Injuries are very common on the mat, especially if you train consistently. Proper recover is key for injury prevention and management. 

Bulletproof your knees & joints

byodynamix by joint genesis 

New Harvard research shows adding 1 teaspoon of this to your water each morning can:
  • REMOVE joint pain from your life in as little as 72 hours
  • Soothe inflammation, stiffness and swelling
  • Lubricate cartilage for improved flexibility and mobility
get the most out of your training

Bucked up Pre-workout

The perfect blend of ingredients to maximize your energy output without the post workout crash. 
This Bucked up formula comes in 4 delicious flavors that will make your mouth water, even when your dry-scooping. 
The clinically tested formula does not use a proprietary blend!! Proudly using a transparent and label, the key ingredients include: 
  • 200mg Caffeine  
  • 2g Beta-Alanine
  • 6g Citrulline
  • Deer Antler Velvet